
It’s been a good while since anything was added to this site, and I thought a COVID update might be timely. It looks like the court will want Section 341 meetings to continue via ZOOM video until at least the March-April time frame. The court watches COVID developments very carefully, however, and if the next few months are bad (as the experts are predicting), then we could continue video meetings well beyond Spring of 2021. It is useless to speculate, so we’ll just wait until we receive further direction from the court.

In the meantime, here are a few thoughts gleaned from the last few months of ZOOMING . . .

  • If you know your wi-fi is weak, go somewhere that provides a stronger signal; perhaps a friend or relative has good wi-fi, or use one of the free hotspots available at the library

  • If you are in a vehicle, PARK IT

  • If you are at home, find a spot and sit down; when you are walking around your home with your phone in your hand, I see things I don’t want to see; it is also distracting to have an image on the screen (among 12 others) that is moving around

  • If at work, find a quiet place

  • Don’t try to connect outside; I won’t be able to hear over the wind noise; you have to be indoors

  • Have your photo ID on your person

  • I will mute your device; please leave it muted until we call your case so I don’t have to deal with background noise

  • Dress appropriately; I am not going to conduct your meeting with you sitting there in your pajamas

  • Make sure both your video and your microphone are working

Thanks for your cooperation and patience. It is difficult for us all, and hopefully we will soon be able to return to in person meetings. In the meantime, BE SAFE AND WELL!