Chapter 7 Trustee
About This Site . . .
Hearing Room
Hello, and thanks for visiting my web site. I constructed and will be maintaining this site, which means it is very much a work in progress. The point of this exercise is to provide debtors, creditors and their attorneys with basic resources, information and forms which may be of use to them with respect to a Chapter 7 case filed in this district. There is a lot of information “on the internets” about bankruptcy, much of which is very useful. But practice and procedure varies widely from district to district. This site will give you some idea of what to expect in a Chapter 7 case in which I am trustee, in the Middle District of Alabama, Southern Division (Dothan). Please use it as a resource only. Nothing can take the place of consulting with your attorney. He or she knows your case, knows the law, and since I’ve been doing this for over twenty years, they know what to expect of me. And if I’ve learned anything over the years, it is that the Bankruptcy Bar in the Dothan area is among the best and most qualified you will find anywhere in the country. Rely upon them with confidence! Thanks again.
Bill Carn
July 22, 2019